Transfer Trail

4.6/5 (39 reviews)
The Transfer Trail, situated near Glenwood Springs, Colorado is the main overland route into the White River National Forest SE Flat Tops area. The road delivers you deep into the heart of meadows filled with wildflowers, thick forest of spruce, fir, pine and aspen trees and scenic lakes. Mixed in...Read More
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Highlights of Transfer Trail

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Mud Category IconMud
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Water Category IconWater
Highest Elevation
10979 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
05/21 - 11/22
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Glenwood Springs
Nearest Services
Glenwood Springs
Management Agency
White River National Forest
Rifle Ranger District


The Transfer Trail, situated near Glenwood Springs, Colorado is the main overland route into the White River National Forest SE Flat Tops area. The road delivers you deep into the heart of meadows filled with wildflowers, thick forest of spruce, fir, pine and aspen trees and scenic lakes. Mixed into the experience are vistas of the distant Elk Mountains to the south, and No Name Creek when you find yourself at Windy Point overlook. This off-road route was originally part of the Ute Indian Trail System, then later became a toll road for the Hip Roof Saw Mill at Windy Point. A sheep farmer then bought the land and herded sheep in the area. The old road system connected through the Flat Tops to distant towns such as Meeker and Yampa. Although the Mill and much of the old road system is long gone, the Transfer Trail remains.

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Trail Guide Overview
25 Waypoints
77 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
39 Community Reviews
1 Video
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