Chihuahua Gulch

4.9/5 (52 reviews)
One of the more popular trails in the Keystone area, Chihuahua Gulch is used by 4x4’s, hikers and sometimes a little horse traffic will be seen. The first 2.1-miles of this trail is used by all, but the last four are for hiking only. The scenery on this trail does not disappoint and packs a lot in...Read More
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Highlights of Chihuahua Gulch

Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Rock Category IconRock
Scenic Category IconScenic
Water Category IconWater
Highest Elevation
11233 ft
Shape of Trail
Out & Back
Typically Open
05/20 - 11/23
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
United States Forest Service
Dillon Ranger District


One of the more popular trails in the Keystone area, Chihuahua Gulch is used by 4x4’s, hikers and sometimes a little horse traffic will be seen. The first 2.1-miles of this trail is used by all, but the last four are for hiking only. The scenery on this trail does not disappoint and packs a lot into a small trail. After the climb to the marsh, the views of the mountains open up as you look into the valley. With two stream crossings and a little rough rock here and there, this makes for a great trail for beginners and seasoned wheelers. The Forest Service road once went to Chihuahua Lake, but is now blocked off. The hiking trail has been rated as moderate and shouldn’t be taken on by someone with no training. This is a great trail to pair with Warden Gulch (FS 265) for a day of off-roading.

Trail Difficulty and Assessment

Trail Guide Overview
9 Waypoints
29 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
52 Community Reviews
1 Video
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