Caribou Creek (North)

4.3/5 (47 reviews)
Known as "The place where winds were born," Caribou was the site of Colorado's first major silver rush. In the 1870s, miners from all over the world flocked here and developed the town of Caribou. An estimated eight million dollars worth of silver was extracted from these hills before the mine clos...Read More
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Highlights of Caribou Creek (North)

Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Ghost Town Category IconGhost Town
Mine Category IconMine
Mud Category IconMud
Highest Elevation
10005 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
06/15 - 11/30
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Roosevelt National Forest
Boulder Ranger District


Known as "The place where winds were born," Caribou was the site of Colorado's first major silver rush. In the 1870s, miners from all over the world flocked here and developed the town of Caribou. An estimated eight million dollars worth of silver was extracted from these hills before the mine closed in 1884. Caribou suffered two major fires - in September 1879, from which it was rebuilt, and again in 1899 when most of the downtown area was destroyed. It was not rebuilt the second time. By 1880 the population dwindled to 549; by 1900, only 44 remained. The trail starts at the Historic Caribou Townsite that only has a few building foundations remaining. On the north end, mud can make this historic trail an impassable adventure at times, go prepared.

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Trail Guide Overview
11 Waypoints
35 Trail Photos
2 Trail Concerns
47 Community Reviews
1 Video
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