Alpine Plateau

Scout Route
4/5 (2 reviews)

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Alpine Plateau connects US50 on the north to Alpine on the south. Traveling from north to south starts through a beautiful residential area with open fields and hardwoods spaced well from the road. It then passes the Arrowhead Lodge, which offers full-service lodging and dining. As you gain elevation, the road becomes less residential and more wooded as you enter public land and the Darrell Duncan Memorial Forest. As you enter this section, look closely for a sign that reads: "Planted in May 1969. This Lodgepole Pine forest is in memory of a Montrose Colorado Boy Scout killed on an outing near Grand Junction. Boy Scout Troop No. 472 and The United Methodist Fellowship planted 12,000 seedlings purchased with memorial funds."

Once the road levels near the plateau, majestic views of the San Juans and Uncomppahgre Peak are in view. Numerous dispersed camping opportunities and a few side roads are also available.

As you begin to descend, the forest becomes sparse due to disease, fire, or wind, offering continued views of the famous San Juans. It finally meets Alpine, where you can turn west to a beautiful valley or return east towards the pavement.

The southern 7 miles of this road are closed during the spring months.