If you are looking for minimal effort and maximum rewards, Grayback Mountain Road is perfect. At just under two miles, this trail quickly rises over 600 feet above the surrounding area to 12,605 feet. Besides its neighbor, North Mountain, which is only 85 feet taller, Grayback Mountain is one of the tallest mountains in the area. At the top of the mountain, there's a 360-degree unobstructed view of the southern San Juan Mountains. The top of the mountain can be very windy and cold. The trail does not have any obstacles. The most difficult portion is on the second switchback, which is tight with loose rocks. Each switchback has enough room to pull off if there is a vehicle coming from the opposite direction. The trail can be easily driven by a stock 4WD vehicle. Although there are no obstacles on this trail, 4WD is recommended to assist with the ascent and descent over loose gravel along the trail.
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