Goler Wash / Canyon

4.9/5 (16 reviews)
Goler Wash, also known as Goler Canyon, is an enjoyable off-road cut through over the Panamint Mountain Range from Ballarat near Trona to Death Valley National Park in California. The trial is popular for being the home of Barker Ranch, aka Manson Ranch. In 1969 the FBI raided the ranch when they ...Read More
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Highlights of Goler Wash / Canyon

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Desert Category IconDesert
Ghost Town Category IconGhost Town
Iconic Category IconIconic
Mine Category IconMine
Mud Category IconMud
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Sand Category IconSand
Snow Wheeling Category IconSnow Wheeling
Wash Category IconWash
Water Category IconWater
Highest Elevation
3281 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Goler Wash
Nearest Town
Furnace Creek
Nearest Services
Furnace Creek
Management Agency
Death Valley National Park


Goler Wash, also known as Goler Canyon, is an enjoyable off-road cut through over the Panamint Mountain Range from Ballarat near Trona to Death Valley National Park in California. The trial is popular for being the home of Barker Ranch, aka Manson Ranch. In 1969 the FBI raided the ranch when they found out the Manson Family was living there. But don't think this is an easy 4x4 pass through. The trail is known to get washed out making it a go-to place for a mild offroad trail to wild overland adventures. Along the route expect beautiful scenery of the canyons that seem to tower above you while the old mines placed up on the side of the cliffs seem to have no way for people to ever access them. If the trail is washed out, expect an intermediate waterfall that is slick with running water on over it. Today, the park service spends a lot of time maintaining this trail, trying to keep the trail easily passable for even a 2wd. To spice things up, make this into a weekend overland adventure including off-roading Warm Springs Road, Butte Valley, Mengel Pass, and Goler Wash. This just might be the best 4wd Jeep Trails you have or will ever take and the dispersed camping is top notch.

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32 Trail Photos
3 Trail Concerns
16 Community Reviews
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