Gravelly Range

5/5 (15 reviews)
From Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, over the Gravelly Range and ending in the Axolotl Wilderness Study Area, Gravelly Range Road is all about the views and hunting access. This trail starts just north of the Red Rock Lakes 28 miles west of Interstate 15 near Monida Idaho, and 30 miles wes...Read More
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Highlights of Gravelly Range

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Camping Category IconCamping
Mine Category IconMine
Overland Category IconOverland
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
9561 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
07/01 - 03/31
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
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Nearest Services
Management Agency
Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest
Ennis Field Office


From Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, over the Gravelly Range and ending in the Axolotl Wilderness Study Area, Gravelly Range Road is all about the views and hunting access. This trail starts just north of the Red Rock Lakes 28 miles west of Interstate 15 near Monida Idaho, and 30 miles west of Henrys Lake and Highway 287. Beginning at 6670 feet, this trail gradually climbs for the next 30 miles to nearly 9600 feet elevation. This trail is mostly well above tree line offering spectacular views for hundreds of miles in all directions as you travel along the ridge of the Gravelly Range. Gravelly Range Road travels through the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, the largest of the national forests in Montana covering 3.35 million acres. This area is widely known for its hunting, but also offers views of the surrounding mountains and valleys and grassy fields covered in wildflowers for nearly 40 miles. If you have the day to spend on the trail, this is a fantastic route through the mountains with options in all directions for new destinations to explore. Bring the family, bring the pets, there are sights and smells for all to enjoy!

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Trail Guide Overview
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206 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
15 Community Reviews
1 Video
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