16S17 - Los Pinos Road

3.9/5 (12 reviews)
Los Pinos Road is an easy, 4.7 mile road that lies about 50 miles east of San Diego, CA and just 10 miles from Mexico. The road can be used as an out-and-back road or as a connector road forming part of a much larger 18-mile loop trail through the Cleveland National Forest. The highlights of this ...Read More
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Highlights of 16S17 - Los Pinos Road

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Forest Category IconForest
Iconic Category IconIconic
Sand Category IconSand
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
4803 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Pine Valley
Nearest Services
Pine Valley
Management Agency
Cleveland National Forest
Descanso Ranger District


Los Pinos Road is an easy, 4.7 mile road that lies about 50 miles east of San Diego, CA and just 10 miles from Mexico. The road can be used as an out-and-back road or as a connector road forming part of a much larger 18-mile loop trail through the Cleveland National Forest. The highlights of this short road are the magnificent views of the southern California and Mexico wilderness. Driving to the top of Los Pinos Mountain (elevation 4800') one is greeted with 360-degree views of Hauser Wilderness and Mexico to the south, Pine Creek Wilderness to the north, the immense Corte Madera Mountain (4600' tall granite boulder) to the east, and Lake Morena to the west. At the top of Los Pinos Mountain is a working fire lookout tower which, when open, allows the visitor even more breathtaking views. Along with this road, the 18-mile loop consists of the following additional roads and trails: 17S04 - Corral Canyon Road 4E03 - Corte Madera Road 17S06 - Skye Valley Road 4E03 - Espinosa Trail

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6 Waypoints
20 Trail Photos
2 Trail Concerns
12 Community Reviews
1 Video
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