Chocolate Thunder

5/5 (17 reviews)
A trail that many have heard of, Chocolate Thunder is a popular rock crawling trail in Johnson Valley, California. The trail is usually part of the famous King of the Hammers track and has even been one of the famous Shootout Challenges. The short but fun trail is full of large rocks that are big ...Read More
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Highlights of Chocolate Thunder

Desert Category IconDesert
Iconic Category IconIconic
Rock Category IconRock
Sand Category IconSand
Highest Elevation
3005 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Chocolate Thunder
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Barstow Field Office


A trail that many have heard of, Chocolate Thunder is a popular rock crawling trail in Johnson Valley, California. The trail is usually part of the famous King of the Hammers track and has even been one of the famous Shootout Challenges. The short but fun trail is full of large rocks that are big enough to flip even the largest vehicles, sand that can make climbing the countless ledges and waterfalls impossible, and unique and tight obstacles that can easily destroy a body panel or two. One of the unique things about this trail is it has some great spots on the sides of the trail that any stock 4x4 can get to, making it a popular place for people to gather to watch others work their way through. Now, if you want a good challenge or are looking for a unique night run, check out Chocolate Thunder in the home of KOH, Johnson Valley, and see if your offroad rig has what it takes to complete this trail.

Trail Difficulty and Assessment

Trail Guide Overview
6 Waypoints
20 Trail Photos
4 Trail Concerns
17 Community Reviews
1 Video
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