Doran Canyon

5/5 (27 reviews)
Doran Canyon of the Odessa / Doran Loop of the Mojave Desert is one of the most difficult off-road rock crawling trails near Barstow, California next to the Calico Ghost Town. When traveling this area, you will notice that the mostly desert landscape is very different than its counterpart Odessa Ca...Read More
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Highlights of Doran Canyon

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Desert Category IconDesert
Ghost Town Category IconGhost Town
Iconic Category IconIconic
Mine Category IconMine
Mud Category IconMud
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Sand Category IconSand
Highest Elevation
3245 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Doran Canyon
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Barstow Field Office


Doran Canyon of the Odessa / Doran Loop of the Mojave Desert is one of the most difficult off-road rock crawling trails near Barstow, California next to the Calico Ghost Town. When traveling this area, you will notice that the mostly desert landscape is very different than its counterpart Odessa Canyon. Even though these two off-road trails are near the same in difficulty throughout the main body of the trail. Doran has one big difference when it comes to the trail drive, that is "Doran Gatekeeper". Doran's Gatekeeper is an insanely difficult off-road obstacle with rocks larger than your vehicle. The holes between the rocks are so large that it is common for people to put their vehicle on its side between the rocks. It's a spectacle to watch extreme off-road enthusiasts try this legendary obstacle as the rocks look like they are swallowing the vehicle whole. It is common for a Jeep Wrangler or Toyota to disappear in the gap only to receive massive body damage when trying to recover the vehicle out of the holes. But the rest of the trail is no walk in the park, with several large waterfalls and many off-camber tight areas, Doran Canyon will test your driving skills and vehicle to its limits.

Trail Difficulty and Assessment

Trail Guide Overview
14 Waypoints
44 Trail Photos
7 Trail Concerns
27 Community Reviews
1 Video
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