Aberdeen Lake Forest Service Road is a well-maintained, wide gravel road. It’s an active logging road, so beware of log trucks around blind corners. You should carry a long-range radio and call out the KM markers as you traverse the trail. There are rocky sections, so good tires are recommended, but 4WD is unnecessary. Any high-clearance vehicle can handle this trail.
Along the tree-lined road through Crown Land, there are great views of the mountains and forests. The trail passes several lakes, most offering camping. Grizzly, Specs, and Ideal Lakes are very cool spots to camp. They have vault toilets, and camping is free for 14 days. Several of the sites have incredible lake views.
Aberdeen Lake Road intersects other trails that are worth checking out. In the northern section is Buck Hills FSR, which provides access to the Aberdeen Columns hike, a unique volcanic rock formation. Just north of Grizzly Lake is the junction with Dee Lake FSR, which will take you to spectacular lakes and ends in Lake Country to the west
Bluenose Mountain Trailhead is a popular hike towards the north end of the trail by Lavington that offers excellent views of Vernon and the surrounding mountains and lakes.