If you spend much time at all reading Jeep internet forums, you know that CB and ham radio mounting and security in our Jeeps are big issues for a lot of folks. Let’s face it, the bad guys want our stuff! Tuffy Security Products manufactures a solution ideal for radios or whatever else you choose to use it for with their JK Single Compartment Overhead Console.
If you spend much time at all reading Jeep internet forums, you know that CB and ham radio mounting and security in our Jeeps are big issues for a lot of folks. Let’s face it, the bad guys want our stuff! Tuffy Security Products manufactures a solution ideal for radios or whatever else you choose to use it for with their JK Single Compartment Overhead Console. From the Tuffy website and verified, the console has:
- Single lock operation incorporating a high security 10 tumbler double bitted key
- A pre-punched hole for CB mic
- Convenient latch for holding the door open
- One swing-away door
- 4″ speaker grill cutout holds 5 1/4″ speaker
- Durable textured powder coat finish
Product Design – This 16 gauge steel overhead security console has one lockable compartment for mounting a stereo, CB Radio, speaker or other electronic devices. The compartment door swings up flush and latches open. The door is secured shut by a double-bitted 10 tumbler lock with built-in weather seals. A bolt-in stereo mounting bracket makes installing a DIN mount stereo or CB radio a breeze. The innovative sliding design allows access to the levers for removing the Jeep factory tops.
I was immediately impressed when the product shipped to my home. The console was shipped well packed in Styrofoam, and even though the box was partially crushed on one end and I was nervous the product was damaged, it was in perfect condition. It comes with all hardware needed for installation, and the quality of the product is apparent at first glance. Installation is easy as there are only a few steps. If you have a hard top you will want to remove the freedom panels, soft toppers will want to release the windshield clamps and open the front portion of the top. Pop the plastic trim around the footman loops and remove the outer footman loops. Install the Tuffy security windshield header making sure the tab extensions that support the front of the console are parallel with the ground and replace the plastic trim.
Everything you need, minus tools, is in the shipping box. The instructions are well written.

To get started, remove the footman loops.
Next, install the console windshield header.
Snap the plastic trim back in place. Notice the position of the console support tabs.
Remove the soundbar.
Here is a view of the rear console support bracket under the soundbar.
Remount the soundbar and mount the console to the front supports by sliding the unit over the front tabs as far as possible. Install the rear and front mounting bolts, replace your top, and you’re ready to go!
View of the rear of the console, mounted with the soundbar installed.
Finished install.
The console appears to be very well designed and manufactured. I recommend that you mount the support bolts with the nuts down to avoid contact with the top panels or soft top. The security box slides rearward to allow easy access to the freedom panel latches and locks into position with a nifty slide locking mechanism.
Out on the trail, there are no rattles or squeaks and there aren’t sharp edges to bang your head into. I find no faults with the design and installation of this product, and recommend it for its intended use.
If you are looking for a quality security solution for your exposed CB radio or other small devices and items, you won’t be disappointed with Tuffy Product’s Overhead JK Security Console.