West Side Road

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3/5 (1 reviews)
Brandywine, Virginia (Pendleton County)
Last Updated: 05/28/2024
Trail Types
Scout Route
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Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Scenic Category IconScenic

West Side Road is the epitome of an Appalachian Mountain back road. It's a place where the distinct laughter of pileated woodpeckers reverberates throughout the forest, and where the eerie hum of ghostly moonshiners' V8 engines blends with the whispers of the wind. The fragrance of sweet-scented mountain laurel fills the senses, adding to the atmosphere of intrigue.

Locals still caution against venturing onto these dirt roads, lest you disturb the clandestine activities of moonshiners hidden deep in the holla. Each bend holds the promise of encountering new characters—will you cross paths with trucks brimming with hunting dogs, and what quarry are they pursuing? Turkeys, bears, or perhaps even unsuspecting city dwellers?

Amidst the mystery, the silhouette of a dark figure in the shadows catches your eye, prompting questions and stirring the imagination. And as you lay your head down to catch some sleep, you can't help but wonder—was that the faint strum of a banjo echoing from the depths of the mountains?

Trail Reviews

3/5 (1)
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Rated 3/5
Visited: 04/06/2024

Pleasant trail that takes you deep into the mountains.
Trail Review: West Side Road - Peter Evans
Trail Review: West Side Road - Peter Evans

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