The Pony Express (Fairfield to Ibapah)

4.7/5 (6 reviews)
Almost 2000 miles of dirt road stretching across the United States from St. Joseph to San Francisco sounds like an overlanders dream come true. Dating back to 1860, The Pony Express was one of the most historic routes in the country. The trail was originally laid out to provide a way for mail to be ...Read More
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Highlights of The Pony Express (Fairfield to Ibapah)

Desert Category IconDesert
Iconic Category IconIconic
Overland Category IconOverland
Highest Elevation
6197 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
The Pony Express Auto Tour Route
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Cedar Fort
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Vernon Field Office


Almost 2000 miles of dirt road stretching across the United States from St. Joseph to San Francisco sounds like an overlanders dream come true. Dating back to 1860, The Pony Express was one of the most historic routes in the country. The trail was originally laid out to provide a way for mail to be delivered. Over the course of eight to ten days, riders would traverse mountains and deserts across 8 states (Only two states back then) to deliver mail to Sacramento, where it was placed onto a steamer to continue its journey to San Francisco. At its peak, there were believed to be around 190 stations spanning across this historic route. Sadly after only 18 months, the telegraph was brought about and lead to the termination of The Pony Express in October of 1861. Today, much of the track is still available and maintained by the Bureau of Land Management. What took riders eight to ten days to cover at an average speed of seven miles per hour now can be achieved by vehicle in as little as 5 hours depending on speed of travel. Billboards and postings give plenty of information along this trail. Although it may be a maintained route, be sure to pack for desert travel bringing plenty of food, water, and clothing in the colder months.

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110 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
6 Community Reviews
1 Video
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