Broad Canyon

4/5 (5 reviews)
This is a beautiful drive into the heart of the Tintic Mountains. The network of trails in the area can keep you exploring for days but still make for a fun short trip from the Salt Lake or Provo Valley's. The trails near the base of the Tintic Mountains also make for some good snow wheeling due to ...Read More
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Highlights of Broad Canyon

Camping Category IconCamping
Desert Category IconDesert
Snow Wheeling Category IconSnow Wheeling
Highest Elevation
6158 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
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Nearest Services
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Salt Lake City Field Office


This is a beautiful drive into the heart of the Tintic Mountains. The network of trails in the area can keep you exploring for days but still make for a fun short trip from the Salt Lake or Provo Valley's. The trails near the base of the Tintic Mountains also make for some good snow wheeling due to the easy nature of the trails in the summer and fall months. During the summer, these small canyons can offer some cool away from the heat of the west desert. In the fall, the leaves are on fire and make for some very scenic photos, especially if you get to the higher elevations and look out west over Vernon, north toward 5 Mile Recreation Area, or east toward Utah Lake. Broad Canyon is the entrance from the north side of the mountains that takes you into the center of the range where you can access many other spurs taking you into random canyons, fun little playgrounds, and many mines. You could have a month off of work and not explore all of what the Tintic Mountains have to offer.

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Trail Guide Overview
6 Waypoints
20 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
5 Community Reviews
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