Sego Canyon

4.2/5 (5 reviews)
Whether passing through on I-70 or exploring the Book Cliff trails, this historic and immersive drive through Sego Canyon will elevate your opinion of this desolate landscape. Starting at 5,500' and ending at 8,500', this easy trail packs a bunch of history and scenery in just over 10 miles. The...Read More
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Highlights of Sego Canyon

Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Ghost Town Category IconGhost Town
Iconic Category IconIconic
Scenic Category IconScenic
Wash Category IconWash
Highest Elevation
8524 ft
Shape of Trail
Out & Back
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Green River
Nearest Services
Green River
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Moab Field Office


Whether passing through on I-70 or exploring the Book Cliff trails, this historic and immersive drive through Sego Canyon will elevate your opinion of this desolate landscape. Starting at 5,500' and ending at 8,500', this easy trail packs a bunch of history and scenery in just over 10 miles. The trail slowly begins to leave the rugged flat desert after a short stop at the Sego Cemetery, where some of the town's residents were laid to rest. Continuing up into the cliffs, you will see signs of an abandoned railroad spur built in 1914 to retrieve coal from the town of Sego. An impressive 13 bridges had to be constructed to crisscross the creek. As you approach the ghost town, you will see the small stone buildings being overtaken by nature, but one structure still stands tall. The American Fuel Company Store was built in 1911 and still has all four walls standing today. The now crumbling town reached its peak in the 1930s when the mine employed 125 miners, and the town had approximately 500 residents. Continuing through a seemingly hypnotizing canyon, you'll have more opportunities to see how the early settlers lived when you stop at the stone and log cabins. The now vertical cliffs become much tighter while precariously balanced rock spires threaten to tumble down at any moment. The vegetation changes dramatically as you switch back to the top, where you enter a dense pine and aspen forest, ripe with memorable camping on the rim.

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12 Waypoints
38 Trail Photos
2 Trail Concerns
5 Community Reviews
1 Video
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