Bunker Pass

5/5 (1 reviews)
Bunker Pass, located in eastern Nevada, is a high desert trail that traverses the edge of the Clover Mountain range. The route is a well-groomed crushed gravel road, making for an ideal overland route for larger, less capable offroad vehicles. The trail connects with several other long trails, bridg...Read More
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Highlights of Bunker Pass

Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Overland Category IconOverland
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
5905 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Bunker Pass
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Ely District Office


Bunker Pass, located in eastern Nevada, is a high desert trail that traverses the edge of the Clover Mountain range. The route is a well-groomed crushed gravel road, making for an ideal overland route for larger, less capable offroad vehicles. The trail connects with several other long trails, bridging the gap between western Utah and eastern Nevada. You'll wind your way through narrow switchbacks and over rolling hills covered with old-growth stands of ponderosa pine and aspen, both of which are uncommon in this part of Nevada. Be sure to keep your eyes open for mule deer, bighorn sheep, mountain lion, bobcat, and badger. Looking to the sky or atop the tall trees, you might spot an endangered peregrine falcon, prairie falcon, or even the elusive golden eagle. Millions of years ago, this area was a major volcanic center, massive lava flows shaped this dramatic landscape. After millions of years of corrosion, the mountains have colorful and dramatic rock formations that contrast with the thick vegetation. This unique area within Nevada is a great secluded and scenic destination for a weekend escape.

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11 Waypoints
35 Trail Photos
2 Trail Concerns
1 Community Reviews
1 Video
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