Harrison/Wild Horse Road is an interesting bypass for about 12 miles of Highway 20 that gets one off the pavement and onto a good gravel road with interesting scenery. The east end of the road is signed as Harrison Road, while the west end is signed as Wild Horse Road—but it’s one road. The east end is directly off Highway 20, while the west end terminates on E. High Prairie Road. The road is generally maintained gravel and can be driven by almost any vehicle.
Starting on the east end, the road is a good, two-lane, gravel road going straight through farming country. About a third of the way in, the road degrades to a single-lane gravel and dirt road winding through the foothills and sagebrush steppe. Some parts of the steppe are in excellent, near-native condition, while others appear to have been heavily grazed, making for an interesting contrast showing the effects of grazing.
Most of the road is through private property, so there are no good spots to camp.