Spanish OHV Route

4.3/5 (13 reviews)
Tucked up against the John Muir Wilderness in the Sierra National Forest, Spanish OHV Route climbs 2,500 feet up a ridgeline that affords spectacular views into Crown Valley, down the North Fork of the Kings into Granite Gorge and out to the Central Valley, and up to the high peaks of Kings Canyon N...Read More
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Highlights of Spanish OHV Route

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Rock Category IconRock
Scenic Category IconScenic
Water Category IconWater
Highest Elevation
9087 ft
Shape of Trail
Out & Back
Typically Open
07/01 - 11/01
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Spanish OHV Route - 28e224
Nearest Town
Shaver Lake
Nearest Services
Shaver Lake
Management Agency
Sierra National Forest
High Sierra Ranger District


Tucked up against the John Muir Wilderness in the Sierra National Forest, Spanish OHV Route climbs 2,500 feet up a ridgeline that affords spectacular views into Crown Valley, down the North Fork of the Kings into Granite Gorge and out to the Central Valley, and up to the high peaks of Kings Canyon National Park. The area that Spanish OHV Route accesses is rumored to have once been mined by the Spanish for gold although only scant evidence of prospecting exists several miles beyond the end of the trail. Perhaps you will be the lucky person to find the lost Spanish gold mine. The trail becomes progressively more challenging as it ascends through the forest. There are obstacles that have challenging lines for experienced drivers with built vehicles as well as lines that can be accomplished by those who are newer to offroading and with only lightly built rigs. Several campsites with outstanding views are available along the trail. Several good fishing lakes (Little Spanish Lake, Spanish Lake, Twin Lakes, and Upper and Lower Jeraldine Lakes) are along the last 5 miles of the trail. Spanish OHV Route is pet-friendly although there are often many cows and deer along the route that may be tempting for dogs to chase.

Trail Difficulty and Assessment

Trail Guide Overview
23 Waypoints
71 Trail Photos
3 Trail Concerns
13 Community Reviews
1 Video
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