Mortero Wash - Anza Borrego

4.8/5 (11 reviews)
Mortero Wash is a popular destination in Anza-Borrego due to its rich cultural and historical significance and stunning natural beauty. The wash is located in a southeast area of the park and offers visitors a chance to explore the region's fascinating history and unique geological formations. The...Read More
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Highlights of Mortero Wash - Anza Borrego

Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Desert Category IconDesert
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Sand Category IconSand
Scenic Category IconScenic
Wash Category IconWash
Highest Elevation
1949 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
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Nearest Services
Management Agency
Anza-Borrega Desert State Park
Anza-Borrega Desert State Park


Mortero Wash is a popular destination in Anza-Borrego due to its rich cultural and historical significance and stunning natural beauty. The wash is located in a southeast area of the park and offers visitors a chance to explore the region's fascinating history and unique geological formations. The wash is home to many stunning rock formations and canyons, including the Mortero Palms, an oasis of palm trees fed by a natural spring. Also rich in railroad history, you hike to the famous Goat Canyon Train Trustle, the world's largest wooden train bridge, or keep it easy and check out the old stop directly off the trail. The Kumeyaay, early Native Americans left behind various ancient artifacts, including mortars and pestles used for grinding seeds and grains that you can witness in the Piedras Grandes Cultural Preserve found on the trail.

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15 Waypoints
47 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
11 Community Reviews
1 Video
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