Anza Borrego Metal Sculptures

4.7/5 (20 reviews)
Perhaps one of the most unique and talked about features of Anza Borrego isn't the natural beauty but rather the man-made art. In the low desert, a small city named Borrego Springs features some of the most amazing sculptures in North America. Comprised of steel, these sculptures of modern animal...Read More
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Highlights of Anza Borrego Metal Sculptures

Desert Category IconDesert
Iconic Category IconIconic
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Sand Category IconSand
Scenic Category IconScenic
Wash Category IconWash
Highest Elevation
785 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Metal Sculptures
Nearest Town
Borrego Springs
Nearest Services
Borrego Springs
Management Agency
Anza-Borrega Desert State Park
Anza-Borrega Desert State Park


Perhaps one of the most unique and talked about features of Anza Borrego isn't the natural beauty but rather the man-made art. In the low desert, a small city named Borrego Springs features some of the most amazing sculptures in North America. Comprised of steel, these sculptures of modern animals, prehistoric dinosaurs, and mythical creatures lace the desert like hidden gems to be found. These sculptures are an amazing mix of craftsmanship, design, and location. The desert background almost makes them look like they are walking next to you. Thus when in the area, explore the desert and let us know what you find. And by all means, please tell us which one is your favorite. Is it the Jeep, Sea Serpent, Phoenix, T-Rex, or something different? There are over a 130 different sculptures in the desert. We can't wait to hear from you soon and see your photos.

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Trail Guide Overview
16 Waypoints
50 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
20 Community Reviews
1 Video
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