4E03 - Espinosa Trail

4.9/5 (21 reviews)
Espinosa Trail is a short, fun connector trail that forms an 18-mile loop in Cleveland National Forest. The trail travels along Espinosa Creek in the southern end of the Cleveland National Forest and is bordered by private land, Pine Creek Wilderness to the north and west, and Hauser Wilderness to ...Read More
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Highlights of 4E03 - Espinosa Trail

Forest Category IconForest
Rock Category IconRock
Sand Category IconSand
Highest Elevation
3980 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Pine Valley
Nearest Services
Pine Valley
Management Agency
Cleveland National Forest
Descanso Ranger District


Espinosa Trail is a short, fun connector trail that forms an 18-mile loop in Cleveland National Forest. The trail travels along Espinosa Creek in the southern end of the Cleveland National Forest and is bordered by private land, Pine Creek Wilderness to the north and west, and Hauser Wilderness to the south. The trail runs between Los Pinos Road and Corte Madera Road and offers magnificent views of San Diego's own version of Half Dome, the immense Corte Madera Mountain at just over 4,600' of elevation. Corte Madera, Spanish for "to chop the wood," was a heavily logged area in the 18th century, providing much of the timber for the southern California missions. Approximately 4 miles south of the Espinosa Trailhead is Corral Canyon OHV Area, which offers up to 50 miles of OHV trails ranging from easy to very difficult. Along with this road, the 18-mile loop consists of the following additional roads and trails: 16S17 - Los Pinos Road 17S04 - Corral Canyon Road 4E03 - Corte Madera Road 17S06 - Skye Valley Road

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Trail Guide Overview
6 Waypoints
20 Trail Photos
3 Trail Concerns
21 Community Reviews
1 Video
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