This route is the most efficient way to get from Means Dry Lake to Claw Hammer and many other famous Johnson Valley rock trails. The path is a heavily traveled route full of whoops and sand. Two-thirds of the way to Claw Hammer, you will pass the base of the sandhill or sand dunes, where you can test your traction and horsepower. This easy route can be rough and bumpy at times, but the biggest concern comes from areas of soft sand that are easy to get stuck in; thus, airing down is highly recommended.
Johnson Valley OHV area is an open OHV area, meaning you can drive anywhere, and you don't have to stay on the path if you choose not to. Portions of Johnson Valley are shared with the Twentynine Palms military base, and closures go into effect when training takes place. Please be sure to visit the BLM website: to see closure schedules.