20S05B, also known as Olivas Cabin Road, is named after one of the original families that settled in Owens Valley. In the 1920s, Henry Lester Olivas used this land as a summer cattle ranch, driving his herd up and down Cottonwood Canyon to Templeton Meadows, Ramshaw, Little Whitney, Big Whitney, Mulkey Meadows, and Horseshoe Meadows. In 1938, a large wooden cabin was built on the property, followed by two smaller cabins where about half a dozen people lived. Today, this area features an easy trail accessible to all offroad vehicles, with a spacious, slightly uneven forested area near the old ranch site that’s perfect for camping, accommodating groups of 7+ rigs. Whether exploring the historic surroundings or camping amid the scenic meadows, visitors are sure to enjoy a memorable weekend.