Big Bear

Offroad Trails in Big Bear

A Region within California
4.7/5 (1066)

Big Bear is the ultimate mountainous getaway accessible to the masses of Southern California. It is accessible both in its geographic proximity as well as its variety of offroad and camping options.

If you want to drive down a dirt road to a National Forest campground in the family SUV, Big Bear has options. If you want to explore scenic trails for the day and grab dinner in town, Big Bear has options. If you want to push the limits of your 4x4 on world-class rock crawling trails then set up at a dispersed campsite for the weekend, Big Bear has options.

Big Bear is part of the San Bernardino National Forest and is located less than 100 miles from most of the greater Los Angeles area. This makes it an excellent destination for Southern California locals looking to escape into nature for a few days. The high elevation also means it's the ideal summer escape from the heat of the valleys below. In the winter, Big Bear remains popular with offroad enthusiasts since it is one of the few areas with trails open year-round. That's right: snow wheeling in SoCal.

So if you're ready to book your stay in Big Bear (literally or figuratively), just know that you probably won't be the only one. Keep an eye out for fellow offroaders, be respectful of other campers, and make sure to leave the natural beauty of the San Bernardino National Forest better than you found it. 

With dozens of trails in the Big Bear area, it can be tough to decide where to start. Check out our list of the Top 5 Beginner Trails in Big Bear CA

Top Reasons to Explore Here
Altitude Category IconAltitude
Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Desert Category IconDesert
Forest Category IconForest
Ghost Town Category IconGhost Town
Iconic Category IconIconic
Mine Category IconMine
Mud Category IconMud
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Sand Category IconSand
Scenic Category IconScenic
Snow Wheeling Category IconSnow Wheeling
Wash Category IconWash
Water Category IconWater
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