Take this fun hill climb while you are on Tex-Winder F15 for some added excitement. Take it slow and make it technical, or blaze up the hill, get sideways, and throw some dirt! If you happen to be there during rain or the wet season, you will be throwing mud and in for a real challenge trying to make it to the top.
Camping is not found directly along this trail. Cabins, primitive tent camping sites, RV campsites with 30 and 50-amp electrical and water hookups, and primitive RV sites are all available in HSORV Park from Thursday through Sunday nights. They also have a nice restroom/shower house on-site and a convenience store with snacks, drinks, tools, apparel, and other sundries. Firewood and ice are also available, and there is a 3900-square-foot pavilion that provides a nice place for shade on a hot day. There are also numerous bed and breakfasts, hotels, campsites, and RV parks within a 15-minute drive from the park if you wish to stay elsewhere.