Wing Mountain Road

3.3/5 (4 reviews)
Wing Mountain Road is all about camping among the Ponderosa Pines of the Coconino National Forest in Arizona's high country. Just north of Flagstaff, the area is perfect for campers headed to the Grand Canyon, traveling I-40, attending Overland EXPO West, or just wanting to get away. There are do...Read More
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Highlights of Wing Mountain Road

Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
7627 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Coconino National Forest
Flagstaff Ranger District


Wing Mountain Road is all about camping among the Ponderosa Pines of the Coconino National Forest in Arizona's high country. Just north of Flagstaff, the area is perfect for campers headed to the Grand Canyon, traveling I-40, attending Overland EXPO West, or just wanting to get away. There are dozens of great campsites along Wing Mountain Road. Ravens and blue jays will undoubtedly take note of where you choose to camp. In the Fall, you'll hear elk bugling. Named for the cinder cone volcano just south of the road, Wing Mountain Road cuts through the largest Ponderosa Pine forest in North America. You'll see plenty of old stumps. When the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad reached Flagstaff in 1882, numerous lumber yards sprung up. The mills heavily harvested the virgin pine forest. They shipped lumber by rail as far away as Albuquerque and Los Angeles. The stumps of the cut trees remain, but there are ancient Ponderosa Pines still residing in the forest. The bark of young pines is black. Once reaching a hundred years old, the Ponderosas have an orange-yellow color to their bark. Loggers differentiate the two by calling them "blackjacks" and yellow bellies." The wind in the tops of the pines sings a very relaxing song. Stop and take a listen.

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32 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
4 Community Reviews
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