FR 1548A

4/5 (2 reviews)
Some days a winding easy trail with expansive views around each curve is just what the doctor ordered. Now let's set that little trail in the heart of the Tonto National Forest's nearly 2.9 million acres. We all know that any forest road that has a letter behind the numbers seldom gets much respec...Read More
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Highlights of FR 1548A

Beginner Category IconBeginner
Desert Category IconDesert
Forest Category IconForest
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
3735 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Tonto National Forest
Payson Ranger District


Some days a winding easy trail with expansive views around each curve is just what the doctor ordered. Now let's set that little trail in the heart of the Tonto National Forest's nearly 2.9 million acres. We all know that any forest road that has a letter behind the numbers seldom gets much respect. And usually not much traffic either. So a winding trail with great views and not many people around. Now let's toss in a shady campsite that can accommodate you and any friends you might have brought along. Ding, ding! I think we have a winner! That little trail is called FR 1548A, and it's all yours. Go have a good time.

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Trail Guide Overview
5 Waypoints
17 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
2 Community Reviews
1 Video
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