Palomas Harquahala Road

4/5 (3 reviews)
The sun woke me. In compensation for interrupting my dreams, it offered the quintessential western skyline for my consideration. Backlit in hues of burned orange, melted copper, and baby blue, jagged peaks of the Eagletail Mountains sawtoothed the eastern sky. Silhouetted on closer hills, saguaro...Read More
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Highlights of Palomas Harquahala Road

Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Desert Category IconDesert
Overland Category IconOverland
Sand Category IconSand
Scenic Category IconScenic
Wash Category IconWash
Highest Elevation
1521 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Yuma Field Office


The sun woke me. In compensation for interrupting my dreams, it offered the quintessential western skyline for my consideration. Backlit in hues of burned orange, melted copper, and baby blue, jagged peaks of the Eagletail Mountains sawtoothed the eastern sky. Silhouetted on closer hills, saguaros stood as silent sentinels of the dawn. The lower Sonoran Desert is at its best at sunrise, all peace and stillness and beauty. The Palomas Harquahala Road crosses the expansive Palomas Plain to the Clanton Hills, traces the western edge of the Eagletail Mountains Wilderness, parallels sandy Deadman Wash up into Nottbusch Valley, and skirts the western edge of Cemetary Ridge before passing in the shadow of Deadman Mountain. The names alone bespeak adventure. The trail cuts through a flat desert sea of creosote bush, bursage, and brittlebush. The sameness is broken here and there by saguaro and ocotillo. Like green ribbons, the washes snake through the desert with their overgrown banks of palo verde, mesquite, and ironwood. Corrals and windmills, many still in use, evoke an earlier time when rugged men came here to eke out a living in this arid landscape. In that pursuit, they cut the trails we drive today. Download the track. Pack your gear. Gas up the rig. Take a ride on a long trail.

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65 Trail Photos
2 Trail Concerns
3 Community Reviews
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