Apache Trail

4.3/5 (29 reviews)
Just outside of Phoenix, Arizona, lies the historic Apache Trail, which winds through the Superstition Mountains region of the Tonto National Forest. The mountains are rugged and unforgiving but have a strong and mysterious draw for the adventurous type. The Apache Trail was originally a wagon haul ...Read More
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Highlights of Apache Trail

Beginner Category IconBeginner
Desert Category IconDesert
Iconic Category IconIconic
Overland Category IconOverland
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
3008 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Apache Junction
Nearest Services
Apache Junction
Management Agency
Tonto National Forest


Just outside of Phoenix, Arizona, lies the historic Apache Trail, which winds through the Superstition Mountains region of the Tonto National Forest. The mountains are rugged and unforgiving but have a strong and mysterious draw for the adventurous type. The Apache Trail was originally a wagon haul road used to transport supplies from Mesa to the construction site of the Roosevelt Dam, which created Roosevelt Lake. Construction of the trail began in 1903 and was finished in 1905. It is believed that the route follows an ancient footpath that was used by Native Americans as a trade route. Traveling along the Apache Trail allows access to different regions that offer various desert experiences.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "The Apache Trail combines the grandeur of the Alps, the glory of the Rockies, the magnificence of the Grand Canyon, and then adds an indefinable something none of the others have".

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1 Trail Concerns
29 Community Reviews
1 Video
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