Rug Road

5/5 (10 reviews)
Rug Road has long been known for offering an incredible 4x4 experience while presenting one of Arizona's most scenic and hidden views. This storied trail started as a mining access road for several gold and silver mines in the 1880s and early 1900s. When the mining stopped, local ranchers and visi...Read More
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Highlights of Rug Road

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Desert Category IconDesert
Ghost Town Category IconGhost Town
Mine Category IconMine
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Wash Category IconWash
Highest Elevation
5395 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
5015,5014,5105,5019 & 5018
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
Tucson Field Office


Rug Road has long been known for offering an incredible 4x4 experience while presenting one of Arizona's most scenic and hidden views. This storied trail started as a mining access road for several gold and silver mines in the 1880s and early 1900s. When the mining stopped, local ranchers and visitors would travel along the road and use carpet to help with traction on the steep hills. One particular section, known as Carpet Hill, still has remnants of the rugs used to help with traction over 60 years later. This section and a couple of others are challenging and will push the limits of even the most experienced drivers in modified vehicles. The views from the saddle on Table Mountain are the first scenic reward along this route, offering an excellent spot for a break and stretch after the steep, bumpy climb. You can also visit Table Top Mine, where you can see the old house with a big safe and, within a short walk, the old large mining equipment left behind. Continuing ahead, you encounter the Parson's Grove area. It has an old cabin, corral, and a pond that used to be a popular recreation area for the locals. The later section of the trail, high above Turkey Creek, has many features similar to Moab, Utah. Although the rocks aren't red, they still offer a rock crawling challenge and incredible panoramas. The descent down into Turkey Creek is a unique experience in Arizona. The trail changes dramatically once you are down into the tight walls of the canyon. The riparian forest immediately encloses you in the much-needed shade and cool air. The abundant wildlife is truly unique, even bears!

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10 Community Reviews
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